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CWORPH is driven by the belief that a strong and skilled workforce is essential for effective public health. Through our recent news, awards, and press releases, we invite you to explore our mission for enhancing workforce capacity and creating a brighter future for public health.
Researchers Say That Money Alone Isn’t Enough To Overcome Public Health Workforce Woes
After years of underfunding and understaffing, public health agencies in Indiana and across the country now have billions of dollars dedicated to addressing workforce shortages — but experts warn the funds aren’t enough to overcome long-standing, systemic barriers.
ETSU leading effort to address health professional shortages, economic development in Appalachia
East Tennessee State University’s Center for Rural Health Research is leading an effort to address health care workforce challenges, foster economic development and promote regional prosperity in Central Appalachia...
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ETSU part of $4.7 million consortium to lead public health workforce research
Supported with a first-of-its-kind joint $4.7 million cooperative agreement from the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), six U.S. universities have come together to conduct robust public health workforce research, evaluation...
U of M School of Public Health receives $4.7 million to lead workforce consortium
Public health infrastructure in the U.S. has lost up to 20% of its practitioners since 2008. The COVID-19 pandemic overwhelmed the already underfunded and understaffed system, which presents a serious need to increase workforce capacity for current and future emergencies. A $4.7 million cooperative...