Michael Meit
East Tennessee State University Center for Rural Health Research

Michael Meit

Director, Center for Rural Health Research Research Associate Professor, Department of Health Services Management and Policy


Michael Meit serves as Director of the East Tennessee State University Center for Rural Health Research, located in the Appalachian Highlands of Northeast Tennessee, and as Deputy Director for the ETSU/NORC HRSA-funded Rural Health Equity Research Center. Meit has been actively involved in public health systems and services research for many years, particularly as it relates to rural, local public health. His contributions include numerous peer-reviewed publications, funding from the CDC, PHAB, and NACCHO, and serving as a site PI for the new Consortium for WOrkforce Research in Public Health (CWORPH) research center. Currently, Meit is also leading projects focused on developing a Rural Recovery Ecosystem Index (HRSA), developing a nationwide Prosperity Index with overlays of leading causes of death (CDC), and analyzing the distribution and use of block grant resources at the state- and local-level (HRSA), among others. Meit serves on the editorial boards for the Journal of Public Health Management and Practice, the Journal of Appalachian Health, and Public Health Reports, and is a Governing Councilor for the American Public Health Association. In 2019 Michael was named the National Rural Health Association’s Outstanding Researcher.