About Us
CWORPH conducts research in the areas of public health workforce, finance, and infrastructure. Particular areas of current focus include staff shortages; diversity and equity; training, recruitment, and retention.

A well-trained public health workforce is the lynchpin to addressing current and future public health challenges, but achieving this goal requires a significant overhaul of recruiting, hiring, training, and retaining staff. The Consortium for Workforce Research in Public Health (CWORPH) conducts rigorous, practice-informed research and evaluation in the area of public health workforce, collaborating to leverage their combined decades of experience and expertise with the aim of efficiently and effectively translating and disseminating their research in collaboration with public health practitioners.
Its members and partners regularly collaborate on quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-methods research, assessment, and evaluation projects.
Our Consortium proactively brings together six highly ranked schools of public health to create a unique national network of public health workforce research expertise. Each member has different research strengths, practice experience, and subject matter expertise that, combined, allow us to address a breadth of research questions around public health workforce.
Jonathon P. Leider
Janette Dill
Betty Bekemeier
Heather Krasna
Michael Meit
Beth Resnick
Valerie Yeager
CWORPH partner organizations have a national presence and reach that allow unique insights into public health workforce needs and challenges. Our partners provide strategic direction, subject matter expertise, and data to enhance our research's quality, equity, and real-world relevance. They also help disseminate research findings to the audiences who can use them.