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CWORPH members have been collaborating for more than 10 years to conduct research that advances the field of public health workforce. Explore all of the publications they have produced together.

Racial and Ethnic Representation of the Local Public Health Workforce
To describe racial and ethnic representativeness of the local health department (LHD)workforce compared with the populations served.
Expanding Options to Recruit, Grow, and Retain the Public Health Workforce
The public health workforce continues to atrophy due to mass and early retirement, under-funding, slow hiring processes, lack of advancement opportunities, and shifting policies.
Public Health Nurses’ Proficiencies and Training Needs in an Emergency Response: A Cross-Sectional Observational Study
To address gaps in understanding the public health nursing workforce regarding competencies recognized as critical during an emergency response.
It Can’t Just Be About the Money: How to Assure an Adequate Public Health Workforce
The COVID-19 pandemic, along with efforts to address systemic racism and social injustice, has required the public health workforce to mobilize an unprecedented and extensive frontline response while simultaneously delivering core services and addressing natural disasters and other emergent threats.
Salary Disparities in Public Health Occupations: Analysis of Federal Data, 2021–2022
To assess salary differences between workers within key public health occupations in local or state government and workers in the same occupations in the private sector.
Standard Occupational Classification Codes: Gaps in Federal Data on the Public Health Workforce
To determine whether US Department of Labor standard occupational classification (SOC) codes can be used for public health workforce research.
State Laws Governing the Hiring of Public Health Government Employees, 2023 State Laws Governing the Hiring of Public Health Government Employees, 2023 Turn on screen
Governmental public health agencies have experienced longstanding challenges in recruiting individuals at the state and local level. Understanding civil service laws as they relate to the hiring processes is an important component of recruitment and increasing public health workforce capacity.
Retention of Community Health Workers in the Public Health Workforce: Public Health Workforce Interests and Needs Survey, 2017 and 2021
To investigate the organizational factors contributing to the intent of community health workers (CHWs) to quit their jobs in local and state health departments in the United States.
When Money Is Not Enough: Reimagining Public Health Requires Systematic Solutions To Hiring Barriers
Public health departments in the US have experienced workforce shortages and challenges in recruiting new employees for decades. Reimagining the public health system will require sufficiently staffed health departments.
Federal Student Loan Debt in Public Health and the Opportunities for Loan Repayment Programs
A need persists for graduates with public health training in government public health roles; however, earnings for these positions tend to be lower when compared with earnings for people with undergraduate or graduate training who are working in other sectors, such as private health care or pharmaceuticals.
The Need for Responsive Workforce Development During the Pandemic and Beyond: A Case Study of the Regional Public Health Training Centers
The COVID-19 pandemic underscored the importance of a strong public health infrastructure for protecting and supporting the health of communities. This includes ensuring an adaptive workforce capable of leading through rapidly changing circumstances, communicating effectively, and applying systems thinking to leverage cross-sector partnerships that help promote health equity.
Recruiting New Talent for Public Health Jobs With Evidence-Based Job Descriptions and Attractive Job Postings
With $7.4 billion from the American Rescue Plan funding new hires in the public health workforce, health departments could benefit from well-written, accurate job descriptions and job postings/advertisements to attract candidates.

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Join us in our mission to advance public health workforce research and make a lasting impact on the health of communities worldwide. By becoming a supporter of CWORPH, you contribute to vital research initiatives that drive evidence-based solutions and inform policies to address the challenges facing the public health workforce. Your support helps us build a strong and resilient workforce that can effectively respond to emerging health issues and improve population health outcomes. Together, we can shape the future of public health and create a healthier world for all.